Hey everyone! Please read below regarding temporary changes in our adult tennis schedule.
From Our Tennis Director
Members, as we all know, the new USTA Rankings have come out and have increased the number of players in every division here at Wildflower. (Divisions/Ratings 2.5 - 3.0 - 3.5 - 4.0 + )
What Does This Mean?
This means that for the next few weeks I will be publishing a temporary schedule to accommodate for this increase.
How Will This Help?
Each rating will get their own class time thus creating more spots and opportunities for that specific rated player.
For Example :
Ladies 2.5 Drill and Play
Ladies 3.0 Drill and Play
Ladies 3.5-4.0 Drill and Play
How Are You Deciding This?
Simple, I have counted the number of members at Wildflower in each division and have concluded that there are more than enough active players in each specific division to make their own class time.
Why Is This Temporary?
Although we have the number players to accommodate with this schedule, that doesn't necessarily mean that classes will fill consistently. If, in a few weeks there is not enough participation I will again alter the schedule.
What Is Our Goal?
One of our main goals is to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to participate daily in our programing. Dedicating classes to a specific ranking will help with this.
Other Class Changes
The 9:00am-10am Tennis Training will be moved to 8:00am-9:00am. This will be Coed and All levels.
Upcoming Cold Weather
Please know that when it gets cold, I will move EVERYTHING 1 Hour later. Everything will then begin at 9:00am and end at 1:00pm. I will let everyone know when this happens.
Cancellation Policy Reminder
Members, I ask that you please be respectful to others and let me know if you are NOT going to show up to any drill, event, etc. You can do this by cancelling your RSVP in YourCourts. If you are cancelling and are not within the 24 Hours, fees will be applied to your account.
As most of you know, I have published a cancellation policy on our tennis site last year. Please take a second and review this policy.
Reserving A Spot For Drills, Events Etc.
Please remember that the time to sign up for drills and activities for the week will be on Sundays at 6pm. Some events may have different registration times. Those times will be posted.
I have also recently been posting the activities by the week on our site on Sundays. In this post you can see "What Is Happening This Week"
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
Jeff Contreras
Wildflower Tennis Department Head